Practitioner of Lean Manufacturing Strategy Lean Manufacturing is usually able to remember the six fatal mistakes: overproduction, excess inventory, unnecessary motion, void wait, over processing and product defects. But the seventh fault - Transport waste is often overlooked by OEM companies. Lean Transportation's goal is to transport goods to the shortest time compression, and changes to the minimum.
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Manufacturers must be possible to reduce unnecessary transport to a minimum, waste is often excessive use of assets (inventory) to meet the transport requirements of time and change. Common transport waste often occurs in the following areas: transportation provider selection process; decision-making and transportation network; transporting communication; and the general relationship between transport operators. In order to reduce waste and reduce transportation costs, must find the root of the problem.
Select the appropriate transport service providers
According to the Federal Express recently conducted the "manufacturing of the best transportation means" survey, reliability manufacturers choose carriers need to consider the most important factor, punctual delivery in second place, and is cost and product 涓㈠け / damage .
Unfortunately, the continuing pressure to reduce costs, manufacturers of the transport service provider discounted the reliability and service requirements. Confuse price and value in the long run may lead to increased costs or delivery of goods. Obsolete equipment, lack of training of drivers and poor classification and distribution process may result in unreliable service. All of these factors will incur additional costs to be added to the transport processes.
The cost has been expressed in increased inventory, speed up the shipping to customers to compensate for the impact of the goods late, and pay for these changes in time and resources are usually the worst case delay in delivery to customers. This situation may cause long-term negative impact the business, it may not only result in the loss of customers, under an order, and may even lose the customer's whole business.
The initial cost savings could quickly be offset by several failed delivery. It may be difficult to calculate the internal processes to make reliable cost savings brought about, but the cost implications of policy failure is usually easier to determine. Take the time to calculate the cost of delivery failure is very important and should be used as the reliability of the value of warning.
The bottom line is seriously comprehensive assessment of the transport provider's service, reliability, reputation and price, and select those who will closely support your business goals, not only to meet the transport objectives of the transport service provider.
Optimization of transport networks
Manufacturers generally purchase logistics network, composed of the internal delivery and shipping transportation, and operational characteristics and distribution facilities, suppliers and customers connected. Determine the most effective way of delivering products and found that part of the current process of waste, helping manufacturers to design the best network.
Frequent transport by mapping all the materials needed charts, returned goods, plus the ideal transit time for each material, you will be able She Jichu the best of the network can also be used Yunshuguanli software to the Guo Cheng Cheng Zi Dong from Shougongzhuanbian process. This technology can place the minimum cost and time of arrival to automatically select the best mode of product transportation.
It should be noted that such software may only be used only with cost-effective large-scale enterprises, many small manufacturers may need to use manual methods to plan their own networks. But remember do not do it alone, together with your transportation provider to determine ways to improve or modify the process. Also look for opportunities to integrate transportation, picking and transfer of the transport process, the possible formulation of a transport route guidance.
To improve efficiency, manufacturers can make some improvements in other areas.渚嬪锛屼綘鐨勮繍杈撻儴闂ㄦ槸鍚︾粡甯告饭娌″湪鏉ヨ嚜瀹㈡埛鏈嶅姟閮ㄩ棬鎴栬?閲囪喘閮ㄩ棬澶ч噺鐨勭數瀛愰偖浠跺拰鐢佃瘽涔嬩腑锛屼粬浠笉鏂湴鍦ㄨ闂揣鐗╂垨鏉愭枡杩愯緭鐘舵?锛?If you look into the time spent on these things, may have wasted a week above the overall time in its surprise.
Such a waste of time and effort that need to take pre-emptive process, provide timely information to support internal customers. Some simple methods can be used to provide real-time transportation status information. Some of the transport provider of software tools will provide you transportation department, purchasing department and customer service e-mail, informing them of the status of the designated goods, or asked to provide all the cargo status. For overnight transportation, ground transportation and freight cars for less than one can often do this. You can even choose to have the software to remind you that may delay the shipments, and recommends remedial measures taken.
When you use these technological services, you can save a lot of cost. Transport operators to provide these technical services are usually free, and more importantly, they can provide reliability. From the customer service department of the desktop, they can track the important cargo in advance, and told customers transport state.閲囪喘鍜岀敓浜ч儴闂ㄩ?杩囦繚璇佸厓鍣ㄤ欢鎸夋椂鍒拌揪浠ユ弧瓒崇敓浜ц鍒掞紝鍙互浣垮叾鍐呴儴娴佺▼鍏锋湁鍙潬鎬с?
Cooperation with the transport providers by reducing waste. Goal is to establish a stable between transport providers, continuous and cost-effective goods and information flow. This means that timely inform them of the planned changes in customer demand, new suppliers, or volume changes and so on.
Coordination of the process used to replace a decentralized information sharing, to simplify and improve the accuracy of the transport decision-making. Between transportation providers and more cooperative relationship will result in more efficient, less wasteful process.
鍦ㄤ笌杩愯緭鏈嶅姟鍟嗙殑鍚堜綔涓紝鍒堕?鍟嗛渶瑕佽?铏戠殑鍏崇郴鍥犵礌鍖呮嫭锛氫笌杩愯緭鎻愪緵鍟嗗叡浜繍鍔涘拰璐熻浇棰勬祴锛涜杩愯緭鍟嗗湪瑁呰揣鍓嶄簨鍏堢煡閬撹揣鐗╂暟閲忕殑鍙樺寲锛涘噺灏戝湪瑁呰揣鍜屼氦璐ф椂鐨勫徃鏈哄懆杞椂闂达紱鎻愰珮瑁呰揣涓庝氦璐ф椂闂寸殑鐏垫椿鎬с? Similarly, the transport provider you are able to transport the goods you need is to quickly find the trailer and provide reliable service during the peak season.
With your transportation partners, should focus on waste, not on costs, which can reduce the smell of gunpowder dialogue between suppliers. If the goal is to reduce waste, most people are willing to discuss their processes with each other, and transportation partners working to eliminate waste some of the processes induced.
When the material flow problem occurs, the principles of good lean practitioners will assess the problem, find the problems and adjust procedures to prevent its recurrence. These interruptions may delay delivery of goods damaged in transit or receiving incorrect quantity. These phenomena show that process is flawed, this will lead to poor the rest of your production process.
Sometimes, it seems that the shipment is delayed due to the transport provider may actually be your supplier inadvertently caused the problem.閫氳繃璋冩煡鏍规湰鍘熷洜锛屼綘涔熻鍙戠幇閿欒鎴栬?鏍囩涓嶅鐨勫寘瑁呭叾瀹炴槸鍥犱负渚涘簲鍟嗗嵃鍒锋潯褰㈢爜鐨勪綅缃笉瀵广? To your suppliers and employees the right training, to avoid such problems.
Cause damage because the goods may be packaged not strong, the staff has not been properly trained or were not fully addressed. For these problems, find the cause and take corresponding measures is the key. Practice of using investigative methods to analyze the causes, you often find the root cause problems are often not those reasons might seem at first.
In-depth analysis, manufacturers find themselves unwittingly in the system increased the number of invalid processes. Identify and reduce waste by manufacturers can not affect the case of services to reduce waste.
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